

In League of Legends, playing against computer-controlled opponents, also known as bots, requires a different approach compared to facing human players. Choosing the right champions can greatly impact your success in these matches. This guide will highlight some powerful and recommended champions for battling bots in League of Legends.

Top Lane Choices


When playing against bots in the top lane, it's essential to pick champions with strong sustain and dueling capabilities. Champions like Darius, Garen, and Renekton are excellent choices for dominating the top lane against AI opponents. Their tankiness and damage output make them formidable foes that can easily outplay bots.

Jungle Picks

For jungle champions, it's crucial to select champions with fast clearing speeds and ganking potential. Lee Sin, Master Yi, and Warwick are solid choices for jungle domination against bots. These champions excel at farming camps efficiently and securing kills in ganks, making them essential for carrying games against AI opponents.

Mid Lane Masters

In the mid lane, champions with strong wave clear and burst damage are key to controlling the pace of the game against bots. Champions like Ahri, Orianna, and Syndra are excellent choices for dominating the mid lane and roaming to other lanes for kills. Their ability to burst down opponents quickly makes them must-pick champions for facing AI opponents.

Bot Lane Bullies

When playing in the bot lane against bots, it's essential to pick champions with strong poke and all-in potential. Champions like Caitlyn, Jhin, and Ashe are ideal choices for dominating the bot lane and securing kills with their long-range abilities. Their ability to harass enemies from a distance makes them powerful picks for facing AI opponents.

Support Selections

When playing as a support against bots, champions with crowd control and utility are essential for controlling team fights and protecting allies. Champions like Thresh, Leona, and Janna are strong picks for providing lockdown and peel for your team. Their ability to engage or disengage fights can turn the tide in your favor against AI opponents.


Choosing the right champions for facing computer-controlled opponents in League of Legends can greatly impact your success in these matches. By selecting champions with strong laning phase, wave clear, and team fight capabilities, you can easily dominate bots and secure victories. Consider the aforementioned powerful and recommended champions for your next game against AI opponents and watch as you crush the competition with ease.

